Grace Lamont
Wish Me Luck Show
A Tribute To The 1940's
As we approach the 84th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, Julieanna in the guise of Grace Lamont takes us back to have a nostalgic look at the 1940's.
Featuring classic songs such as, The White Cliffs of Dover, We'll Meet Again, Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye, Land Of Hope & Glory, We are reminded of the sense of community and British values that were demonstrated during that decade.
Far from having a niche audience the show has proved to be popular with young and old alike and can be booked as a stand alone event or incorporated into a mixed programme of either.
Grace has performed at 1940;s weekends and is a regular performer for Isle Of White Tours for their military Re-Union weekends. also able to travel anywhere in the Uk or abraod
1 x 1 hour of singalong songs from the 40's. This is mainly in the afternoon but can be adaptable for evening performances.
2 x 45 mins show called Wish Me Luck a wonderful tribute show full fun and lots of singalong songs from 40's with props and costume changes.